Rashid Kinyenya was a 28-year resident of his home country of Uganda, where his livelihood entailed working with a biomedical equipment company at Medimark Ltd. Rashid holds a Bachelor’s of Science and was studying for his Masters when he began to feel persecution brought upon by the community and new governmental laws. He fled from Uganda and stayed in Nairobi until he received his acceptance notice in April of 2015 that, after completing pending medical checks, would guarantee his entry into the United States. On September the 9th [2015] he arrived in Greensboro and, with help from CWS, received many of the necessities to begin building a new future. Mr. Kinyenya’s personal goals are to enroll in the healthcare system in a year’s time and continue his education as well as to reach a state of stability with a job he enjoys and can gain experience from. In the meantime, he stands by his conviction that “you cannot learn by sitting at home” and is happy to do volunteer work where he can begin networking and contributing to his new community.