WE'RE HALFWAY TO $500,000! 




Help us raise $500,000 today to ensure that the most vulnerable families remain housed and fed and can stabilize here in Greensboro.

Recent policies halting all refugee admissions and freezing federal funds have left refugee families in Greensboro without the support they need. On February 3, 2025, CWS Greensboro was forced to furlough 2/3 of our staff. You can help us close this emergency funding gap!

Make the check out to "Church World Service" and mail it to our local Greensboro office at 330 S. Greene St., 2nd Floor, Greensboro, NC 27401.

Give non-cash assets

Use this easy, secure tool through FreeWill to initiate non-cash gifts, like stocks, IRA distributions, and donor-advised fund donations. Make sure to designate for the local Greensboro office and alert Mary Ellen Poe at mepoe@cwsglobal.org.

Multiply Your Impact

Monthly Giving

Increase your impact and become a sustaining partner of our support of refugees and immigrants in the Triangle.
Tap "❤ Monthly" in the give box or learn more using the button below

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Employer Match

Double your impact through an employer matching gift program.

Stock & IRA Rollover

With planned giving, you have the opportunity to plan your estate and your charitable giving in a way that is beneficial to you and your family — and that leaves a legacy to a cause important to you.

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Common Giving Questions